Tuesday 8 April 2014

Spring WILL come sometime soon!

A message from our Women's Section President:

President’s Message

As another new golf season draws near, golfers filled with renewed energy and optimism are anxious to get back to the game and reunite with good friends.   Sorry pretty robins, but dusting off clubs or unpacking them after a long drive north is the first real sign of spring!

This year promises to be a year of good fun and friendship, not to mention some fabulous days on our beautiful Dalewood course.  Jamie and staff are busy ensuring that the club is picture perfect for our return.  Your 2014 executive are also hard at work preparing for the new golf season.  Your feedback from the survey last fall will offer us guidance over the course of the season.  Great ideas and new games will provide a fresh look to the women’s section.  I have made it my personal mandate to involve as many new faces as possible in volunteer roles.  No need to take on an executive position or volunteer for the entire season.  Helping out for a day, an event or even for a few minutes will be really, really appreciated!  After all, this is your club so the greater the involvement, the stronger the women’s section will be.

The Spring General Meeting will be held the afternoon of Saturday May 3, followed by a fashion show and the President’s Welcome Reception.  It will be a great way for everyone to socialize, trade winter stories, and meet new women members while enjoying a beverage and some appetizers.  Soon you will receive a phone call from one of the executive giving you details, but for now put May 3, on your calendar.  Registration in the Great Hall begins at 2:00 pm so there’s time beforehand for those of you who would like to golf.   

I wish all of you a great golf season full of success and memorable moments!  Should you need anything or have suggestions, please talk to me or another executive member. We’re here for you!  Our 2014 Dalewood Women’s Golf Schedule will be posted on the blog so stay tuned…

Warmest regards,

Linda Isaac

In the meantime, remember how 
beautiful our course is and 
enjoy the Masters.