Wednesday 16 April 2014

A message from President Linda Isaac

On behalf of the women's executive I would like to invite all returning Dalewood women members and new women members to our Dalewood Women's Spring General Meeting and President's Welcome Reception.  Rather than a breakfast and meeting again this year, we're trying something different to kick off the golf season. 
Here is the event format: 
Saturday May 3rd
2:00 Registration in the Great Hall 
2:30 Meeting
3:15 Fashion Show - Golf clothing, shoes and accessories on display and available for purchasing 
3:45 President's Welcome Reception - beverages and appetizers
There's time beforehand for those of you who wish to golf.  Please make your own tee times.
Next week you will receive a phone call from one of the executive who will provide further details about the event.  Please RSVP to the executive member who phones you.  Please DO NOT reply to this email.  If by chance you don't receive a call by April 25th, then by all means, call me or send me a quick email .  My number is 905-885-5005.  It's important that we know if you plan to attend so we can make the necessary arrangements with the kitchen.
It promises to be a fabulous afternoon.  There will be four free raffle draws, a 50/50 draw, a fashion show, and a chance to meet new members and socialize at the President's Welcome Reception.  One of our goals this year is to offer more opportunities for us to get together as a women's section and this event is the first of more to come!!  So please make every effort to come out and join in the fun!
For those of you who have not checked out the Blog lately the President's Message is there for your reference.  (
Happy Easter to all!  I hope to see you on the 3rd!