



1.     Sue Morrow opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to our 2024 golf season.

Kevin Gunter was scheduled to speak but was not available. 

Bridget Smith joins the  Golf Committee as our Social Convenor. Returning members are Sue Morrow - President, Laura McCracken Ebbrell - Vice President, Sandi MacDonald -Handicap and Match Play, Cathy Morin - Secretary / Treasurer and Sandy Young - Games. 

Cathy Morin welcomed new members Cynthia Courchene and Nicole Desautels-Maw. Welcome to DWS. 

2.     Fall meeting minutes were accepted. Gail Richards moved for acceptance, seconded by Barb Pemberton. 

3.     Treasurer’s Report – Cathy Morin
The carry over from 2023 is $80. DWS membership remains at $25.

4.     Games Captain Report - Sandy Young
2024 calendar is posted on the Blog. 
Participation has been very good or our events with 32 to 36 participants.

Opening and closing field day will be played from Red/Green tees.

Sandy recognized the event coordinators. Cathy Morin (Eleni Ponting Better Ball), Yvonne Shannon (Bulger Alternate Shot), Jeanne Beaith (Devil’s) and Sandi MacDonald (Solheim)

Saturday Skins will be a cross over with alternating tee times at 7:00/7:30/8:00. Sign up deadline will be Monday. 

Lynn Attley will coordinate Tuesday play. The cut off date to sign up will be Tuesday at noon. You will receive an email from the club with your tee time. If you wish to play after the deadline please contact the club and add your name to the last group of 3 group so foursome are not ahead of threesomes.

5.     Handicap Report -  Sandi MacDonald
House Keeping
 – A locker clean up was completed in the fall. A number of found items have been placed on a bench. They will be there for a couple of weeks. 
Used books – stored in the cupboard (previously known as the used towel cupboard) in the locker room .  Please help yourself.  
Solheim Cup – Watch for the sign up in August.  Let Sandi know if you want to remove/add your name.

Play will be the R/G course, using our new stroke holes  for the doubles match. Singles will match the tees to the person playing. For example, if two people regularly play green, their match will be from Green.
Match Play – Sign up sheets will be posted in the lower hall.  Play will start early June. It is important to complete your match on time.  Contact Sandi if you need an extension. Please try to be flexible about when you play. Completed score cards should be placed in the box on the sale in the locker room. 
Doubles use 90% of handicap.  

Sandi offered to prepare score cards for any matches. 
The tradition of winner buying non winner a drink is not a requirement.  
Achievement Boards – HDCP 30 and over may use the Green charts, HDCP 21 and over may use R/G. RED is open 0 to 44 HDCP. 
Each grouping has a Birdie Chart. Chipping is open to all golfers, regardless of Tee. 
Chart your best holes in a week period. You can add scores earned in a match or trophy game. 

Posting Scores – When posting scores post from the correct tee blocks. RED is the default. You can change the tee blocks from the drop down menu.  
New this year: World Handicap Association has a system to convert a 9 hole score to 18. 
Now a 9 hole score does not have to wait for a future 9 to be added. 
If you have played at least 10 holes you enter the scores you have played and fill in unplayed holes with a 0 and you will get a score. 
You must enter scores hole by hole for 18 and it is highly recommended for 9 holes. 
Scores should be posted within 24 hours of playing to give you an accurate index. 

6.     Social Convenor Report - Bridget Smith 
Bridget spoke with Jen about improving the wine selection and has organized a wine tasting at the OFD. 
New wine glasses have been ordered. 
There will be 2 dinner specials for our Tuesday league. Members are encouraged to stay for dinner. 
Tuesdays there will be a 15% tip added. 
The club is working on a new order ahead process since the old app is not working.  

Tasting platters will be an option at $10 per person. 

Bridget encouraged everyone to let her know about any food related concerns so she can review with management. 

7.     Blog and Devil’s Update – Jeanne Beaith
Jeanne would like our help to increase the number of entries for the Blog. Everyone is encouraged to submit pictures and game highlights.

The Devil’s will be held Aug 20th. New this year will be the option to select your tees. There will be a meal after the event.  

8.     Interclub – Tracey Bodashefsky
Tracy provided an overview of the Interclub Competition. This is open to all our members. Reciprocal rates will apply. 
The format will be a 2 person Better Ball.  Partner will change for each event. Only 3 of the 4 team scores count.  
There will be 4 teams from each club and you will be paired with a twosome from another club. 
3 clubs will participate this year.  

9.     50th Anniversary Events – Donna Todd
There will be an all members opening. Play your choice of tees.  
There will be team winners, individual prizes as well as draw prizes.  

There will be a Mixed Member Guest event in August 15th and 16th.  

10  Adjournment