Friday 30 November 2018

We had a great group for our annual Christmas Luncheon. Chef Jen did her usual wonderful buffet and we had some unique servers and "bussers"! The club looked festive, the food was delicious, and the company terrific.

Anne missing from her table, of course! But never fear . . . 

And Jane looking after the centre piece!

Merry Christmas all! Have a safe and healthy 2019.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Our first holiday pic for the season - hopefully others will add theirs as the winter progresses. Just send them (with a small explanation) to Jeanne's email address.

Barb, vacationing in Punta Cana, says: Now that I don't have to worry about driving, it is my turn to try the tequila and beer! Thanks to Lynn Marie for the introduction. I think. 

(She liked more than expected.)


Don't forget to email Jeanne, by Nov 23, if you are coming to the Christmas luncheon on Nov 30. We have 20 so far.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Our annual Christmas luncheon is booked for Friday, Nov 30 at 12 noon. I have reserved 2 tables but more can be accommodated. Please let me know by Friday, Nov 23 if you will be attending by sending me an email ( I will send you a return email confirming your attendance. 

The cost is $19.95 + tax and gratuity for a traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

 Image result for christmas turkey pictures