Wednesday 11 May 2016

Teams Selected

We have a total of 48 women signed up for Team Play 2016, and lots of new members taking part.
Our "draft" was held Tuesday night with Captains Diane Arsenault (Deannes Divas), Susan Ross-Foster (Eagles Rock), Sharon Klan (Sharons Klan), and Ene Milner (Triple Threat) volunteering to do the jobs. Thanks, ladies!
The teams and schedule will be posted soon and the results each week will be on the poster as well. If you would like to check out the results yourself at home the website is An easier way: there is a LINK to it on the right hand side of the Blog that will take you directly there. You can see how your team has done and how your handicap is calculated (because it will be different from 1/2 your regular handicap). Once you're at the site, just click on your name and your stats will show up.

New member Anne Parks hit a unique shot on Tuesday night, while trying to go over the creek on #10. The good news was she didn't lose her Noodle ball and it was easily identifiable; the bad news was she couldn't figure out any way of hitting it.