Clear sunny skies, but cool temperatures greeted 40 hearty women on Sunday for our Opening Field Day.
However a little cool weather has never stopped Dalewood women from having a good time. Later, here we are ready to enjoy Jennifer's dinner - it was very good!!
Hmmm? Wish that was my table - check out the stand.
Penny, Bev, Gail, Patty, Julia, Joan, Nancy, Annabel
One of the winning teams is sitting at this table.
Cathy, Lynn, Sharon, Ariane, Jennifer, Diane, Eleni, Sally
The other winning team is seated here.
June, Rosemarie, Dale, Janet, Gerry, Judy, Thelma, Laura
One of these teams thought they were first; in fact, NOT!
Linda, Tracey, Yvette, Martha, Claudia, Shirley, Carol, Yvonne
One of these teams temporarily thought they were first.
Marylyn, Lillian, Kim, Jeanne, Carol, Ruth, Kathleen, Sandi