Friday 19 July 2024

Topic:: Weekend Update: 
             Food & Beverage 

The DWS Executive identified inconsistent availability of food for sale other than bbq. 
After meeting with Jen this week we have come up with a plan:
• Breakfast sandwiches will be in the pro shop on Saturday and as well as muffins and scones
• Pre-made sandwiches will be in the fridge at the bbq. 
• The bar cart will also have some sandwiches 

There are 72 players Saturday morning, men and women. We do not want to miss any opportunities to maximize sales. 

Your support is appreciated as is your feedback. 

Social Convenor


Don't forget to sign up for the Club Championship next weekend - July 27, 28

For Red tees: Play for the overall, 50+, 60+, or 70+ championships. There will also be 2 flight winners.

For Red/Green tees:  Play two rounds of golf on the Red/Green course, with prizes drawn randomly, with no scores handed in. OPTIONAL: Hand in your scores and play for the Mary Buckley Eclectic (your best score on each hole over two days is counted minus handicap). These scores will NOT be posted publicly.

The cost is $35.00 which includes a BBQ lunch after the round on Sunday and prizes.

Come out and enjoy our 50th Anniversary Club Championship Weekend

Sign up is in the lower hall.
Any questions, please ask!
Hope to see you July 27 and 28th