Wednesday 22 May 2024

What's wrong with these pictures?

Leaving rakes like this is a pet peeve of mine. Our group actually encountered three like this on Tuesday (#'s 4, 12, 15) and one of us hit the one on #4 and it deflected the shot. I am going to assume that none of our women is so careless as to place a rake in direct line with someone approaching a green. Even if you're not in the bunker and you see a rake like this, move it behind the bunker for the next group. 

Speaking of bunker etiquette, we all know to leave a bunker in better shape than when we found it, but also remember to enter and leave a bunker from the lowest point, even if it means a few extra steps. 

Thanks to Joan for the photo of this happy family making their way across #14 to the pond on #13.

Hope you all remembered to sign up for Opening Field Day.
See you Sunday!