The weather didn't cooperate with us again this year. The new date for the Devil's Tournament is next Tuesday, Aug 28 (formerly the "Bring a Friend Day" - see below). I hope all of you who signed up can still play and maybe we can get a few more who hadn't signed up. All handicap levels are welcome to play in this event.
To make it easier I have printed the first list. Just check off your name and make your new dinner choice. If your name is not on the list, just add it to the bottom. If you can't play on that date, put a line through your name.
Dinner choices:
In-house made pulled pork on a rustic kaiser with choice of side $12.95 (Add your side choice)
Spaghetti and meatballs served with garlic bread and Parmesan cheese. $14.95
Mexi Cobb Salad - Chili lime chicken with artisan lettuce, avocado, cheese, black beans, tomatoes, corn, red onion, and a cilantro lime dressing.
This has been rescheduled from Aug 28, to coincide with our 'Fun Night". Guest fees will be $20 for 9 holes, $30 for 18 holes. Menu service will be available for food. A sign up sheet will appear soon.