Thursday 29 September 2016

Solheim 2016

A Solheim report from convenor Sandi MacDonald:

After a rain postponement, the Second Annual Solheim took place on Tuesday, Sept.27th. We had 18 golfers competing for their respective teams. The West team was in the lead over the East 6 to 5 before the last group came in. We were greeted by a member of the East team saying, " I broke 100 for the first time!" Congrats Lynn Attley, and yes, you guessed it - the East team won the toonies! Final tally was East 7.5 to West 6.5.

A victorious effort by members of the East: Anne Parks, Janet Hull, Gail Richards, Donna Todd, Nancy Sharpe, Patty McDonald, Tracey Bodashefsky, Sharon Klan and Lynn Attley.

A valiant effort by members of the West: Annabel Thorpe, Sandi MacDonald, Linda MacDonald (best game this year at Dalewood), Joan Hayward, Mary Lou Secord, Ariane Macdonald, Laura McCracken-Ebbrell, Diane Moffat, Barb Pemberton.

This tournament is strictly for a little year end fun, and a toonie....not a tournament score. However, making the teams even has meant switching boundary lines and therefore team wardrobe choices! With that in mind, we will have a sign up in the spring, teams will be set so all will be ready to go at year end, hopefully on a sunny Saturday! The plan is teams and team name will remain the same from year to year. Players may be added or subtracted, but the core group will remain the same. 

 Solheim participants enjoying some post game camaraderie!
Diane Moffat and Sharon Klan enjoying some Dalewood apples!