Friday 24 July 2015

Upcoming Events

Now that the GAO Junior Championship is done, we are back to our "regularly scheduled programming".

Tuesday, July 28 is the last day of round-robin Team Play. Playoffs will start Aug 11. Don't let your team down!

The sign up sheet for the Bulger Trophy is on the bulletin board and will be held either Sunday, Aug 2 or Tuesday, Aug 4. It is a Chapman alternate shot. Each player drives and then hits her partner's ball and then alternate shots until the ball is holed. Get a partner and put your names on the list. If you don't have a partner sign up anyway and the games committee will find you a partner.

The Member-Guest, postponed from June will be on Sunday, Aug 9. It is going to be a "blingy" event. Yvonne and her committee have done a great job putting it all together and are hoping for great weather that day! There is still room to sign up.

Watch for details to be posted soon for the Devil's Tournament on Tuesday, Aug 25. Save the date!

Pan Am results: Andrew Yorke finished 7th, only 33 seconds behind the winner in a race that took almost 2 hours! Congratulations on a fantastic effort! Rachel Honderich won a silver medal losing to her doubles partner, Michelle Li, who took the gold in the final. She won all of her matches 2-0 up to that point. Wonderful results!