Tuesday 12 August 2014

40th Anniversary

It was great to see so many members celebrating Dalewood's 40th Anniversary last Saturday with golf in the afternoon and a nice barbecue and corn roast out on the first tee.  It was really fun to see so many Juniors playing in the tournament and enjoying the dinner as well - of course, they had to be called off the putting green when it was time to eat.  Many thanks to Jamie, Dave, Jen and staff for putting on a wonderful day. 

The entertainment was terrific - "tall girl in the back shop" aka Caroline and Andy Earle, of course!

Sitting with the Thorpes, it was really nice to see the O'Neills - Art was our first Club President, and Ruth was secretary for the Women's Section for years. The big evergreen tree behind the first tee 
has special meaning now.

Our Greens Superintendent Tyler Ruest and his wife Wendy were there.

And lots of members of our women's section were enjoying the evening: