Friday 6 September 2013

Ready to try something new and different?


THE CONCEPT:           Imagine if you will that you are a member of a TEAM with other women from this club.  Your team will play a “virtual 9-hole match” (on computer) against another team on some Tuesdays throughout the summer, earning points for low net scores.  If you show up your team will earn points.  If you have a good net score, you will score points for your team.  (Your team will have a captain and a name, of course – maybe even a colour!)  All the scoring is done by computer in the pro shop after 9 holes.  You will be able to check the results online any time after completion of play on Tuesday.  Team results will also be posted on the bulletin board.  There will be a playoff system for the last 3 weeks of the season and prizes will be awarded for the top teams, the low net player for the season, the best attendance, most valuable player to her team, etc.  

WHO:              Anyone who is a female Dalewood member (with a handicap) may play on a team.  You don’t have to be a member of the “section”, or play in the regular Tuesday game.  Team members can play with whomever they want at any time of the day on Tuesday.  You should be committed to try to make most of the 8 or 9 rounds that will be designated for TEAM PLAY, so you don’t let your team down.  

HOW:              All of this can be done without disrupting our usual Tuesday schedule.  We will keep doing Tuesdays the way we successfully have been, putting in our toonies with prizes being awarded for closest to the pins, low nets, low putts, and whatever games the Tuesday committee comes up with.  Remember, it is a “virtual match” (on computer), so you don’t play as a team or against anyone.  If you’re having a bad game, your score likely won’t count anyway.

WHY:               It has been used at several clubs within the women’s sections and it is by far the most popular thing the women do.  Where some clubs get 25% participation in match play, they get 70% participation in Team Play.  It creates great camaraderie, fun, and interest within the group.  Just ask Dalewood’s men – it has doubled the number of men out on Thursday.

COST:              There will be a cost of $20 / person to participate in TEAM PLAY for the season.  About $4.00 of that money goes to the website to administer the program.  The rest of the money will be returned to the players in the way of prizes at the end of the season.

HOW MANY:  Ideally, we could have all of our women members sign up and be put on a team.  Realistically, it would be terrific if 40 - 50 were to decide to join.  It could be done with 32, but fewer than that would make it difficult.

We will be having a discussion at Closing Field Day about it, so bring any questions you have.  Let’s try to make TEAM PLAY a success!!