Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Fundraising and Bird Update

NEXT EVENT...Tuesday, June 6th🌞

WOW‼️ 👋👍👋 Your response to the 50 Square Grid was totally unexpected! Imagine....we had many disappointed women who didn't have a chance to enter!💲💲💴 
To that end, we have decided to forget Toonie Tuesday Grids, but replace it with another 50 Square Grid.

Introducing..💲💲💰 FORTUNE 500 💰💲💲

One square will be $10. When filled the board will be worth $500. TWO numbers will be drawn. Yes...TWO‼️

Two ❌ 💲100.  💰💵💵

💲300 will go to the Locker Room Fund.
💲100 to two lucky people.🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️

Look for the grid in the Pro Shop Tuesday, June 6th. Please have exact amount.
Squares will also be available at Saturday Skins game.As soon as the 50 squares are filled, we will draw 2 numbers.Sales of the squares will be on Tuesdays and Saturdays until all squares are filled.

Sandi, Ene, Diane and Joy
All four birds have survived so far and now have 
the beginning of small feathers.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Results from Saturday

The Celebration of Life for Eleni Ponting is 
Sunday, June 11, from 1 - 4pm at Dalewood GC.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Match Play and a Bird Update

The Match Game - Lynn Attley and Ann Hall gave an entertaining presentation about scoring in match play. Here are the willing participants:
 And the game show hosts:
The little birds are coming along nicely!! 
And Sandi reports we collected $305 for Iris and $490 for the Locker Room Furniture. Well done ladies! And to Sandi and her helpers: Diane, Joy, and Ene.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Sad news

Dalewood friends are mourning the loss of Eleni Ponting, who passed away on Thursday evening.

Some memories of good times at Dalewood:


Thursday, 25 May 2017


Operation Locker Room Furniture - A message from Sandi MacDonald

I feel confident in saying we are in love with our "new" locker room! What is not new is the furniture, which is decades old, and if memory serves, was second hand "back in the day". Agreed, we do not spend a great deal of time in there, however, it would be nice to match the furniture with the decor. Dalewood's locker room budget is depleted. Any improvements are on our shoulders. Thus, the fund raising begins!!💲

So, to start off our fund raising efforts, there will be several opportunities at our OPENING FIELD DAY...Saturday, May 26 (and will be repeated for CLOSING).

POT of GOLD: 💰 $5 - Be in the circle, get a % of the POT; not in the circle: Sample Coolers 🍹🍹🍹 in a basket..and a Taylor Made shoe bag. Thanks to Dalewood for these donations.

CASH 💵 draw and gift choices: $5 for 1 or $10 for 4 tickets. CASH will be a % of the total money. Prize choices...watch and earrings...garden tools, a Taylor Made duffle carry bag and a trunk organizer.

50 Grid Squares: 💴 $5 for 1 square...$10 for 4 squares. When the grid is filled, a number is drawn. If your name is in the square, you win a % of the Pot.


Mini Grid Toonie Tuesdays.💲💲💲
A grid of 20 squares will be on the counter. $2 a square. If we can fill more than one, we will continue until month end. A percentage of pot will be given.

And more to come. In the meantime, please save any regift types of items, gently used books, etc.

See you Saturday.!!⛳️🏌️‍♀️😎

And a reminder, a collection 💵💵💰for our retiring "wee lass" Iris is happening. Our donations will be pooled with other sections of Dalewood. Joy Vogt is your go to person. She will set up a spot at Registration and again before dinner.

And, it goes without saying, participation is entirely your choice. As well, any suggestions💡💡 gladly accepted.

Submitted by your fund raising team:
Ene Miller
Dianne Moffat
Joy Vogt
Sandi MacDonald

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

It appears that the eggs are hatched - good luck, Mother Robin!

Friday, 19 May 2017

Weather has certainly played havoc with golf this spring. Donna Todd was willing to give us a first hand lesson about how soft and wet the creek banks are when you are reaching for a ball in the creek.

Mother's Day weather had a little bit of everything - sun, showers, hard rain, lightning, and hail. Thankfully that's not snow on the tees!

Thursday, 18 May 2017

The Team Play draw was completed on Tuesday evening. Thanks for the pictures, Lynn Attley. First Team Play is next Tuesday - Go Teams!

 The Teams
Birdie Babes: L to R - Sharon Klan, Susan Ross-Foster, Captain Linda MacDonald, Lynn Attley, Janet Hull. Also on the team - Laura McCracken, Kathy Morgan, Sally Okazawa, Marylyn Schroter, Yvonne Shannon.

Joan of Par: L to R - Gina Jackson, Jane Gibbens, Annabel Thorpe, Captain Joan Hayward, Susan Meldrum, Ariane Macdonald, Barb Pemberton. Also on the team - Tracey Bodashefsky, Betty Bright, Donna Todd

ToMorrow's Winners: L to R - Joy Vogt, Moneen Smith, Lynn Johnston, Diane Moffat, Bridget Smith, Anne Parks. Also on the team - Captain Sue Morrow, Ann Hall, Shirley Harrison, Helen Lee, Laura Roberge.

Well, Hello Mary Lou: L to R - Captain Mary Lou Secord, Claudia van der Meulen, Laurie Pudwell, Jeanne Beaith, Gail Richards, Patty McDonald, Dale Hodge. Also on the team - Pierrette Heydon, Sandi MacDonald, Ene Milner, Lynda Rennick

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

I think she won Closest to the Pin!

Congratulations, Helen Lee.


Friday, 12 May 2017

Definite signs of spring - Sandi M-W sent this picture of Trilliums on the course. 
See if you can find them!
 And that mother robin has been very busy. 
As of last Tuesday, she had three beautiful eggs to look after.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Opening Meeting

Our Golf season has gotten off to soggy start, but that didn't deter our enthusiastic executive from hosting our annual spring meeting on May 6. Brad Pemberton welcomed us back and we congratulate him on his new position as Head Pro at Dalewood. He will be running some womens' clinics again this spring, so watch for the posters.

We had another terrific presentation of pictures and music by our talented Lynn Attley. Then Patty McDonald, our President, had some comments about the upcoming season and the importance of friendship in golf. She also welcomed five new members. Then turned the agenda over to the various members of the executive and convenors.

Games Captain Barb Pemberton congratulated Betty Bright on her accomplishment last season with the presentation of a Break 100 pin.

We had our usual vendor displays, sales, and fashion show with our lovely models:  Jane Gibbens, Linda MacDonald, Diane Moffat, and Susan Ross-Foster.
And here are pictures of some of our members enjoying the spring get together. My apologies if I missed you.

And lastly, Joan Hayward sent me a picture of our determined (and a little dumb) robin who keeps building her nest in the water dispenser on #3. Every year she tries and every year she fails!! Maybe she's a golfer at heart?

Friday, 5 May 2017


Thanks to Sandi MacDonald-Wangen, we know why the course is closed.
 How depressing!